[SciPy-Dev] GSoC Proposal: Circular statistics
Vladislav Iakovlev
2017-03-17 11:59:34 UTC
Thanks to Josef and other colleagues for productive discussion! It
clarified a lot for me!

This is a first iteration of my GSoC proposal.

The goal of the project is to implement circular statistics functionality
in scipy.stats.


There exist several Python packages related to this theme, but most of them
has some shortcomings. Also, it will be very conveniently to have this
functionality in SciPy. It will simplify users work because they will not
have to search and install other packages.

What will be done:

Base class rv_circular that will provide infrastructure for distributions
characteristics. List of supposed characteristics:

pdf, cdf, moments, mean, dispersion, standard deviation, percentiles,
median, entropy, kurtosis, skewness.

Derived classes for distributions. Methods for calculating values of
characteristics can be redefined in this classes. List of supposed

Uniform distribution,

Triangular distribution,

Cardioid distribution,

Wrapped distributions: Cauchy, Normal, Von Mises.

Functions for statistical tests:

Tests of uniformity and Goodness-of-Fit.

Tests related to Von Mises distribution: tests for mean and concentration
parameters, multi-sample tests.

Some non-parametric tests.

I have developed a little “demo-version” of circular stats toolbox:


It is very raw and will be rewritten; I created this just to demonstrate my
vision of how it will be arranged.

Approximate timeline:

April: Reading books, understanding related mathematics;

May – June, 20: Implementing rv_circular class, documentation and tests for

June, 20 – July, 10: Implementing distribution classes;

July, 10 – August, 20: Implementing statistical tests and point estimations;

Related literature:

Kanti V. Mardia, Peter E. Jupp: Directional statistics, 2000.

Jammalamadaka, S. Rao. Topics in circular statistics / S. Rao
Jammalamadaka, A. SenGupta.
